15th Governing Board Meeting

The 15th SEAMEO RETRAC Governing Board Meeting was convened from September 19-21, 2012 at SEAMEO RECSAM in Penang, Malaysia. The meeting was held back to back with the Educational Forum on Enhancing Training Quality in Basic Education in the SEA Region.
Attending the meeting were Dr. Handoko, Deputy Director, SEAMEO Secretariat, members and representatives coming from nine Southeast Asian countries. In his opening remarks, Dr. Handoko congratulated on the Center’s achievements for the past FY 2011-2012, and encouraged its continued strong linkages with institutions and organizations galore within and outside the region. At the meeting, Mr. Truong Bao Duy, SEAMEO RETRAC Manager, presented a brief report on the main issues raised and approved at the Center Directors Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand on July 16-18, 2012. Also, the Board approved the Center’s annual report for FY 2011-2012 and the Center’s action plan for FY 2012-2013 which were presented by Dr. Dang Van Hung, SEAMEO RETRAC Deputy Director, and the financial report for FY 2011–2012 by Mr. Nguyen Tan Hung, Head of Bursar. At the meeting, Mr. Tran Ba Viet Dzung, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training, informed the Board Members that Dr. Ho Thanh My Phuong had been appointed to be SEAMEO RETRAC Director (term 2012–2017) by Vietnam’s Minister of Education and Training. The Board Members unanimously approved the appointment. The endorsement would be submitted to the SEAMEO Secretariat for the final decision by the SEAMEO Council President. The Board Members also endorsed SEAMEO RETRAC’s amended enabling instruments. The meeting ended with the endorsement of the proceedings.