(84-28) 3824 5618 (Ext: 122/101/102) adm@vnseameo.org


Course Objectives

The major objectives of the training course are to help the learners:

  • Acquire essential knowledge and skills in assessing language learners and designing tests to evaluate the learning and teaching process;
  • Develop professional knowledge and skills to conduct action research for the improvement of the quality of English language teaching at schools.

Course Content

The course consists of two modules: Language Testing and Assessment and Action Research. Each module includes 60 hours of in-class sessions and 40 – 80 hours of self-study with the specific topic areas as below:

Module 1: Language Testing and Assessment:

  • Overview of language testing and assessment
  • Types of language assessment and test design
  • Techniques and criteria for assessing VSTEP speaking and writing

Module 2: Action Research

  • Overview analysis of Action research
  • Connections between the Action research and professional development
  • Procedure of doing action research

Course structure:

The course is combined with classroom presentation, in-class practices and conducting mini-projects as below:

  • For the classroom presentation, SEAMEO RETRAC instructors will succinctly provide learners with basic knowledge and essential skills
  • For the in-class practices, learners will participate in discussions, and they will be instructed to conduct mini-projects and complete the assignments.


Ms. Trinh Thi Hoa My

Division of Foreign Studies

Email: tthmy@vnseameo.org 

Tel: ( 84 -28 ) 3824 5618 (Ext: 218)

Ms. Mach Buu Hien

Special Programs Manager

Email: mbhien@vnseameo.org 

Tel: ( 84 -28 ) 3824 5618 (Ext: 230)

 Fax: (84 28) 3823 2175

 Website: www.anhvanseameo.vn

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