International Conference on “Towards Excellence in Leadership and Management in Higher Education”

In cooperation with British Columbia Council for International Education in Canada, SEAMEO RETRAC successfully organized the International Conference in “Towards Excellence in Leadership and Management in Higher Education” on July 28-29, 2016, at the Center’s premises.
The conference was held with the aims of providing the participants who were educational leaders, practitioners, researchers and professional experts with the opportunities of sharing information, experience, research results in relation to key issues in leadership and management for quality in higher education, aiming at sustainable development in the 21st century among universities and colleges. The conference laid the emphasis on emerging issues such as leadership and management including: Redefining the Roles of Higher Education Leaders in the 21st Century, Teacher Education, Integration of the 21st Century Skills in Curriculum, Curriculum Innovation, ICT integration to Achieve Effectiveness in Teaching and Management, and Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education. In addition, the conference also focused on developing a platform for development and expansion of regional and international collaborations among universities and colleges.
Participants in the Conference were 20 presenters who were educational experts, researchers and leaders of higher education and more than 80 leaders, administrators, educational practitioners and researchers of higher education institutions, educational organizations and agencies from different countries of Australia, Cambodia, Canada, France, Lao PDR, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, the US, and Vietnam. The conference also served as a shared platform for participants to promote collaboration academically and professionally.