On November 27-29, 2012, the SEAMEO Secretariat, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Thailand, convened the 35th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting at the Grand Millennium Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting welcomed more than 130 participants who are high-level education officials from the SEAMEO Member Countries, Associate and Affiliate Members, SEAMEO Centers and strategic partners. Mr. Tran Ba Viet Dzung, Director General, International Cooperation Department, MOET Vietnam chaired the meeting. At the plenary session, high officials and the delegation discussed educational issues on education for all, disaster risk reduction in education, hygiene and water in schools, database on education, and increasing the efficiency of education systems. The education leaders also reviewed the 2011-2020 SEAMEO Strategic Plan and recommended specific actions to take for its implementation.The meeting also announced the next meeting of the SEAMEO Education Ministers namely the 47th SEAMEO Council Conference be hosted by the Government of Vietnam in Hanoi from 19 to 21 March 2013.

The meeting welcomed more than 130 participants who are high-level education officials from the SEAMEO Member Countries, Associate and Affiliate Members, SEAMEO Centers and strategic partners. Mr. Tran Ba Viet Dzung, Director General, International Cooperation Department, MOET Vietnam chaired the meeting. At the plenary session, high officials and the delegation discussed educational issues on education for all, disaster risk reduction in education, hygiene and water in schools, database on education, and increasing the efficiency of education systems. The education leaders also reviewed the 2011-2020 SEAMEO Strategic Plan and recommended specific actions to take for its implementation.The meeting also announced the next meeting of the SEAMEO Education Ministers namely the 47th SEAMEO Council Conference be hosted by the Government of Vietnam in Hanoi from 19 to 21 March 2013.