(84-28) 3824 5618 (Ext: 122/101/102) adm@vnseameo.org


The course aims to provide learners with essential knowledge and examine available technological applications which can be used for teaching English language at school levels.

Course Objectives

The major objectives of the training course are to help learners:

  • Be updated with available technologies and their creative application in language teaching;
  • Acquire essential knowledge and skills to use ICT in designing lesson plans, and organizing appropriate learning activities for the target students.

Course Length

The course consists of 60 hours of in-class sessions and 60 hours of online study.

Course Content

The course provides learners with updated technological tools and applications necessary for online teaching and learning, and designing lesson plans as well.

Course Structure

The course is combined with face-to-face instructions, in-class practices and online guided-learning. This type of blended learning environment allows participants to take part in such activities as below:

  • For the face-to-face sessions, SEAMEO RETRAC instructors will provide participants with basic knowledge and teach them how to apply technologies and their creative applications in conducting online teaching and learning activities.
  • For the in-class practices, course participants will be instructed how to design online courses and supporting tools for English language teaching and learning.
  • For the online sessions, participants will be guided by the instructors for the online self-study and practice on technological applications.

Course Activities

Learners are encouraged to take an active part in class activities:

  • Participate in teacher-led sessions
  • Practice the assigned tasks with the help of instructors
  • Do all the assignments and complete online exercises and tasks
  • Be provided with an account for online discussion about using ICT in Language instructions.

Course Assessment

The course assessment is based on the following criteria:

  • Participating all the in-class discussions and online self-study: 30%
  • Successfully completing the end-of-course assignment: 70 %


Ms. Trinh Thi Hoa My

Division of Foreign Studies

Email: tthmy@vnseameo.org 

Tel: ( 84 -28 ) 3824 5618 (Ext: 218)

Ms. Mach Buu Hien

Special Programs Manager

Email: mbhien@vnseameo.org 

Tel: ( 84 -28 ) 3824 5618 (Ext: 230)

Fax: (84 28) 3823 2175

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